Ok, that might not be a great round, but it is a set of numbers you can make a poker hand from. As you progress through the front nine, you’d build a card of different scores, perhaps 7,5,3,4,5,5,4,7,4. Once on your scorecard, ‘7’ would be the first card of your poker hand. Assuming you’re an average player, let’s say you score a seven. If you’re playing a par five, for example, then your score is likely to be between three (if you’re lucky) and perhaps anything up to ten. Poker golf treats each round as an opportunity to obtain a playing card. So, if one player is always ahead on the scorecard, this is a way of bringing different competition into the round of golf without affecting the main game. Poker golf is a side game which doesn’t impact your game but adds a side interest. If that’s the case, then perhaps a round of poker golf is the thing for you. Maybe, because the same person wins week after week, you don’t even bother putting anything up as a stake after all, there’s little point for a foregone conclusion, is there? Introducing Poker Golf
Poker chip golf game free#
That last round of beverages or your post-round meal is probably always free for them, depending on what the winner tends to get.

Golf is a sociable game, and it’s likely you have a group of buddies you like to get out with, but what if one of them is far better than anyone else? Even with the latest rangefinders, clubs and equipment, you might still lag behind. If you play with the same group of players every week, you might find that the scorecards often look the same. Your local golf course should be looking as great as ever, with sparkling green fairways, golden sanded bunkers waiting to trap you and, of course, the 19th hole welcoming you in after a hard round. It’s getting around to the time of year when the sun is out, and the sprinklers are on.